VEX IQ - Elementary


Team List

There are 100 total Elementary School VEX IQ Teams.

  • Full list of all VEX IQ Elementary School State teams -


Number of State Qualifying Teams: 201

Number of Worlds Spots Awarded: 61

Explanation of VEX IQ Elementary Sub-Divisions, Awards, and World Qualifying Spots:

  • VEX IQ Elementary has 201 teams attending state. Teams are divided randomly into 3 separate sub-divisions of 67 teams each, competing on 3 separate stages.

  • All 3 VEX IQ Elementary sub-divisions will receive the listed World Qualifying Awards, resulting in a total of 54 Awards/Worlds Spots.

  • Additionally, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th  overall VEX IQ Elementary State Robot Skills (from the State Championship) teams will also be given Worlds Spots increasing the total to 60 Awards/Worlds Spots.

  • The 61st world state spot will be given to the STEM Research Project Award winner. Only 1 STEM Research Project Award winner will be given to 1 team out of all 201 teams (not 1 per division). 

  • Any open spots due to double qualifiers will be invited to Worlds based upon the Indiana State rankings on the World Skills Standings after the state championship skills scores have been added.

  • In order to determine the overall Teamwork State Champion, the winning alliance from each sub-division and three overall wild card alliances (6 total alliances) will compete on the State Championship field for the State Championship title following the IQ Sub-Division Finals and Awards.  The wild card alliances are determined by selecting the next top 3 alliances of the 3 sub-divisions combined. Teams who win the Teamwork State Championship will have already qualified to Worlds via Teamwork Championship in their sub-division.

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